Tamas Bedo

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01 Jul 2017

How to learn poker faster and play better

What is that invisible factor that plays a big role in elite performers' success? I talk about this factor in the video which I recently recorded while I was in New York, which is an interesting place for sure. So check it out. I recently had an interesting discussion in a coaching call with a poker backing group I work with. We talked about what determines someone's level of success in poker. I shared with them what I have come to see by working with people over the years. Working with top performers in the fields of poker, business, and…

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13 Jun 2017

Love is our true essence

I always had some resistance towards the above statement. My mind couldn't really accept it. Yesterday as I was riding the subway towards Times square and looked at the people around me, I felt a deep love and gratitude for our common humanity. Then it all made sense.   I remembered back to an incident couple weeks ago. With a buddy of mine we were sitting in a restaurant overlooking beautiful Lisbon on a sunny day. At the balcony under us, we saw couple guys, and three of them bullied each other. It started as a joke for them, but…

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05 Jun 2017

Being in the Flow

On one of our sessions a guy I used to coach told me that basically what I help people with is to live more in the flow in life. As I reflected on that for a moment, I had to agree with him. We have all experienced those moments in our lives when we were immersed in an activity, time flew by or slowed down (however it felt like), things felt effortless, we could come up with the right decisions or right words to say. Whether it be about being in the flow in a conversation with a person where…

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30 May 2017

One problem, One solution

"What if there was only one problem we could have, and there is one solution to that?" - I asked the participants of a recent group coaching call I did for a poker backing group. Along the years as a coach I had worked with hundreds of people from all situations in life. Poker players, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Athletes, Office workers, parents, kids, etc. There were people who had abundant circumstances, and high-level achievements in their professions. And also people who were just getting by. People with depression, addictions, burnout were also included. This gave me the chance to witness…

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23 May 2017

When checking the poker graph can hurt your results

  Last week we have been doing a 7-day challenge in our 'Poker & Life Mastery Community', the topic was going "From results- to Process-oriented". This has prompted me to write an article about the usefulness of checking the poker graph. It is a well discussed topic in the poker world, and something that comes up from time to time in my work with poker clients. One thing I haven't heard yet from poker players (and I have been in the poker world as a player and the last couple years as a coach) is that checking the poker graph…

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16 May 2017

Playing in the Zone in Poker

Playing in the zone can seem like this magical state that happens when the stars align on the sky. But let's demystify it, and see what does it mean to be in the zone. I had so much fun shooting this video in Lisbon while exploring the city. I talk about some basic misconceptions on what it takes to be in the flow, and perform at our best. The notion I propose in it: What if flow is our default nature? What if you don't have to think yourself into being in the flow, but rather the opposite. When you…

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09 May 2017

The Ultimate Guide on Physical Energy & Vitality for High Performance

In my job, as a coach, where I work with high achievers from different fields, I have seen that most people aren't even aware of how much more energy they could have in their life if they were making some changes. When they go on to make those changes, the extra vitality and improved performance they experience is at a level they couldn't imagine before. I have always been fascinated by the factors that affect our ability to perform at our best. Many years ago, my interest turned to studying, in depth, the key pillars behind our health and vitality.…

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02 May 2017

Thoughts on Productivity – Is procrastination really the bad guy?

You might know this feeling: You wake in the morning, do your errands, and as you have already read from many productivity articles, you might even write your ToDo list for the day, thinking that today will be super productive. But as the day progresses, it's already afternoon and you still yet to get into your tasks, which you just keep putting off, finding yourself randomly browsing the internet, Facebook, refreshing gmail, or randomly chatting up people on Skype. And you feel even more stressed and guilty that you wasted so many precious hours without doing useful things...   How…

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25 Apr 2017

Where do you think your feelings come from?

I had my most random trip ever couple days ago. With a friend of mine, we booked a flight ticket to San Andres island two hours before departure, and ran to the airport to catch the flight. Which we accomplished successfully and had an amazing adventure for 3 days there. I recorded a video blog on a subject which inevitably comes up in my coaching conversations with people, as once a person gets a deeper insight into this their whole reality changes. So I wanted to cover this in a video, which I haven’t done before yet. Usually I love…

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18 Apr 2017

Is burning motivation needed to reach your goal?

Last week I had an interesting conversation with an awesome client of mine. Before we started the work couple weeks ago we clarified what vision he is after. It included playing at least 133 spin&go games a day, improving his game, eating healthy and working out, dating great women, and enjoying life. So we set out to make this vision a reality. We started first by focusing only on having the 133 games/day down, and not stressing about the other areas. It's much better to just focus on one area first, implement the right systems there, and be easy about…

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